20 Creative and Minimalistic Print Ads

An impressive print ad is always completed by a straight-forward design which delivers the message clean and sharp. Overly complicated designs will only send confusing signals to the potential customers. It’s time to take a step back. Surprise your audience and take the centre stage with pared-back designs born out of creative ideas. Here are 20 creative and minimalistic print ads that are promised to blow your mind.


1) Lego

Lego is a breeding ground for every child’s creativity. As small as a piece of Lego can unleash a world of open-ended creativity and imagination.


2) Kit Kat

We all know the famous Kit Kat tagline – ‘Have a break, have a Kit Kat.’ This ad cuts to the chase by breaking the Kit Kat chocolate bar into two to form a pause sign, and that’s that.


3) Olay

Olay’s skin care products claim to restore your youth. It is as easy as pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Z (undo).


4) tzomet sfarim

This is an ad from the second largest bookstore chain in Israel. The bookstore took advantage of Facebook’s popularly and added a fun twist to Facebook’s logo, turning ‘facebook’ to ‘face a book’, to encourage people to actually face a book.


5) Mcdonald

‘What’s going on? Where’s the food?’ You probably would be very confused seeing this ad for the first time. But this is what Mcdonald attempted to make you think – good things come to those who are early, like their French fries.


6) durex

While most brands are working their best to lure people into using their products, durex does the opposite. What durex did here was to thank the parents of a group of football team players for not buying their products. If it were not for their ‘reckless’ decision, there would not have been a great football team! This is an unexpected but smart move of durex indeed as it caught people’s attentions successfully and fit the EURO football contest period well.


7) Bank Forum

Germans are well known for their scrupulousness. Bank Forum in Ukraine builds on this German feature to communicate that its business for its clients is in a well-ordered and thorough manner.


8) Veet

A snowy white soap already suffices to show how the hair-removal brand Veet helps you get touchably smooth skin.


9) Crest

Emojis are important. In Crest’s ad, the meaning of the message completely changed after the ‘:)’ is added, as if how Crest can change your world by bringing you a bright smile.


10) Nivea

What do you see first, the moon or Nivea’s night cream? What a fun optical illusion.


11) Remote Car Starters

This remote car starter allows you to start your car even you are far far away. That’s why they made the car in the ad as tiny as possible in the size of an ant.


12) WWF

Every time we use a sheet of toilet paper, we kill the Earth a little. The causality is well communicated in this WWF ad. Surely, we don’t want to stop wasting before it’s too late.


13) Audible

Audible is an app of a great selection of audiobooks. Put your earphones on and there your imagination blooms.


14) Coca-Cola

In this ad, the iconic trademark of Cola and the contour bottle form two hands sharing a bottle of Coca Cola to deliver the core message of the brand, which is ‘share a coke’.


15) Black & Blaze

Boost your energy with a cup of coffee, just as simple as that.


16) Heinz

French fries without Heinz tomato sauce are tasteless as these paper strips.


17) Hut Weber

Hut Weber used a set of simple shapes to demonstrate the difference a hat can make with Hitler and Chaplin. It’s the hat.


18) Chupa Chups

When people think, some bite their nails and others disfigure their pencils and straws. Why bite these inedible objects when you’ve got Chupa Chups?


19) Puma

The rivalry between Puma and Adidas. This ad, where the Puma logo jumps over that of Adidas, demonstrates the hatred Puma held for Adidas, explicitly telling you that their products are better than the competitor and can carry you through ups and downs.


20) Marshall

Marshall headphones offer the users high performance audio quality. It has the ability to turn rock into hard rock.

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