Good Design Award 2018 Winners that Make Lives Better

There is much more to design other than aesthetic value. A good design should address problems and turn lives better. Our everyday lives are made easier and better thanks to a wide array of design. They are the results of problem solving. For example, alarms stop oversleeping; chairs solved sitting problems; computers keep us out of the trouble with solving complicated math problems.

The Good Design Award from Japan is a perfect epitome of this principle. The award puts the design’s quality to ‘enrich our lives and society through design’ first. No matter tangible or not, they will take it as design as long as it is created to fulfill certain ideas or purposes. The three core values of the Good Design Award are ‘Discover’, ‘Share’ and ‘Innovation’ — ‘Discover’ new things and ‘Share’ the discoveries with the society, and thus lead to the next ‘’Innovation’.

The result of 2018 Good Design Award was announced recently. They have redefined the idea of what a good design should be, with the Grand Award winner, who is distinct from the past winners, asserting the ‘a good design helps improve lives’ principle.


Grand Award Winner – Otera Oyatsu Club

What!? The grand winner this year is a Buddhist priest!? How exactly did he outshine numerous designers and take the world’s most coveted award?

Seirou Matsushima from the chief priest of a Buddhist temple knows nothing about aesthetic design. All he did was establishing the Temple Snack Club (Otera Oyatsu Club) to tackle the poverty problem in Japan.

Japan of today is amazingly prosperous, but we never learn about its dark side. In fact, one in seven children living in this modern country is in poverty. While we are troubling ourselves with ‘What to eat today’, these children are having trouble taking a meal once a day. On the other hand, temples in Japan receive tons of donations every day, but most of them always end up in the bin. Therefore, Seirou Matsushima has founded the Club, together with the support of other temples, to help economically difficult families and single-parent families by giving them these donations, including food, fruits and daily necessities. Until today, 980 temples have joined the program and have benefited around 9,000 children each month.

This one-of-a-kind winner motivates children to live with positivity and brings them a better life.


Gold Award – Hanare Hotel

Most hotels are fully-equipped with everything a tourist needs. It is not a problem at all to spend the entire day in these hotels. However, such convenience compromises on an in-depth travelling experience. Hanare Hotel in Yanaka, Tokyo therefore came up with a ‘the whole town = your hotel’ concept to provide the tourists with all-around facilities while ensuring them a local-like travelling experience. ‘Hanare’ in Japanese means ‘separate from’ or ‘detached’. The concept turns the entire town into a hotel, expanding the living area from the hotel buildings to the neighboring area, to make the vacation more enriching and more fun.

Hanare Hotel is composed of two buildings. One of which is ‘Hagiso’, where tourists can find a coffe shop, a gallery and a shop. Another is the lodging. Upon arrival, the tourists will be provided an original map created by the hotel for them to explore the town.

Tourists can find everything they need in the town as this picture shows. Need a bath? Head to the neighbouring sento. Eager to experience the best of local life? Learn about how the Japanese appreciate tea by taking cultural lessons or visit the temples. Looking for souvenirs? The shopping streets are here for you. The whole town can be your hotel.

“New discoveries await you in this town. The whole town can be your hotel.”


A Tailor Made Service for Old Clothes – Loop Care

We all have one or two clothing items that are too old to wear but too precious to lose: the uniform in the good old days, the dress on the first date, the scarf sewn by your mother, etc. Loop Care tailor made service gives a second life to these old clothes by renovating them to everyday products, e.g. parasols, albums, card cases, dog wears, mini shelves and bags. A complimentary repair service is also offered to improve product lifespans. What capture people’s heart is not the varieties of products the service provides, but the ideas of treasuring one’s priceless memories.


Other winners:

Gold Award:First-person Picture Book
A first-person fairy tale which helps expand the “empathy and imagination” power that is indispensable for growth.

Gold Award: QuickFree fastener
A fastener with improved operability, which gives children and elderly people a sense of accomplishment.

Gold Award:Kizu River waterfront promenade
A 4300 sq ft riverside promenade for the coexistence of human beings and water

Good Focus Award (New Business Design): Stuffed Toy
A service that reproduces the unique scribbles that children draw.

Best 100: Qooboo Therapeutic Robot
A robot pillow with a tail that wags in just the way a cat does when being caressed. It is designed to provide a sense of comfort to users.

Best 100: Lobby Chair
A lobby chair designed for the Tokyo Olympics in 2020 with upgraded durability and comfort features.


Full winner list:

Good Design Award 2018 結果出爐 令生活變得不一樣的設計


日本的Good Design Award 優良設計獎便是體現此原則的佼佼者,被選中的設計中,擁有漂亮的外殼是其次,能夠為「為人們生活、產業和社會變得更加富足」才最重要。根據Good Design Award的理念,不論有形無形,只要能夠幫助人們實現某種理想和目的而設計的事物,都會被視為設計。「發現」、「共享」、「創造」是Good Design Award不可或缺的元素,三者相輔相乘,透過新的「發現」,與社會大眾「共享」,繼而激發下一個「創造」。

2018年的Good Design Award得獎結果早前出爐,這些作品叫人們重新審視「設計」的定義,當中的Grand Award更有別於過往的作品,證實「能改善生活的也是設計」的概念。


Grand Award Winner – Otera Oyatsu Club


來自奈良安養寺的松島靖朗住持,不懂任何美學設計理念,他只單純地創立了一個旨在解決日本的貧困問題的「寺廟零食俱樂部」(otera oyatsu club)。




Gold Award – Hanare Hotel

大多酒店住宿都五臟俱全,應有盡有,讓旅客即使在酒店內呆一整天也沒問題。不過,這樣卻缺少了一番深入旅遊的體驗。位於東京下町谷中區的Hanare Hotel於是便提出「整個市鎮=您的旅館」的概念,為旅客提供一切所需之餘,亦能享受當地生活文化。「Hanare離れ」在日文中有「分離」、「離開」的意思,酒店這個概念讓棲息空間不再局限於建築物本身,而是拓展到鄰近的商點、食肆等,讓概念在整個社區中運行,使旅客得到最地道的日和旅程。

Hanare Hotel分為兩棟建築,一個是「Hagiso」,內有咖啡廳、展廊和選物店。而另一棟則是設施簡約的住宿空間。當旅客抵達旅館後,職員會貼心地給他們一張自製的地圖,向他們介紹社區中的各項機能。


“New discoveries await you in this town. The whole town can be your hotel.”


Best 100 – 衣物重生服務計劃 Loop Care

那些年的校服、第一次約會的洋裝、媽媽為我縫紉的圍巾⋯⋯每個人的衣櫃裡都會有一兩件珍而重之的衣服,雖然再也穿不下了,但卻不捨得扔掉或轉贈別人。Loop Care 衣物重生服務計劃的出現,為這些封塵而久的衣服賜予新的生命,用戶可選擇把衣服改為傘子、相簿、卡片套、小狗衣服、迷你櫃,以及手挽袋,再次「用」上衣服。計劃同時提供保養服務,延長衣服的生命週期。計劃中叫人欣賞的不是重生物品的種類設計,而是背後想要為保存每人的回憶而努力的理念。



Gold Award:第一人稱圖畫書

Gold Award:QuickFree 拉鏈

Gold Award:木津川遊步空間

Good Focus Award (New Business Design): Stuffed Toy

Best 100: Qooboo 治癒機械人

Best 100: 公共座椅



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