The 15th HOFEX in 2015 was the largest food and hospitality tradeshow in the Asia-Pacific region. Over 1,900 international suppliers and distributors of food, beverages, foodservice equipment, hospitality design and technology, including 40+ national pavilions, showcased their latest quality products. This largest scale ever HOFEX drawn over a total of 37,817 professional buyers such as hoteliers, restaurateurs, GMs and executive chefs.
CC+ was tasked with the design of the exhibition material including posters, leaflets, backdrops, as well as the construction of specific website. The HOFEX is a large exhibition with a wide range of products and visitors from across the world reminding us of a carnival, inspiring us to use a colourful, fun and lively atmosphere in mind.
HOFEX 是亞太區最大型的食品飲料及酒店餐飲設備商貿展,在2015年的展覽中,來自世界各地的酒店餐飲設備與酒店科技服務及相關產品的供應商和廠家將雲集香港,配合專題展區展示它們的最新產品。預計屆時會有超過35,000名國內及國際性買家到場尋求切磋交流和擴展商網的良機。
CC+ 為展覽構思主題,並配合設計海報、宣傳冊子、展覽場地佈置以及建立網站。HOFEX作為大型展覽,活動期間將展出種類繁多的展品,吸引無數跨國參與者,因此我們以嘉年華為主題,為展覽設計色彩繽紛、活潑生動、充滿樂趣的形象。