Abandoned and stray animals are weak due to the lack of food, care and sometimes they even lost their life because of disease, bad weather or mistreated by violent people. And now, we animal lovers can act and help these poor animals. CC+ is pleasant to collaborate with HK Artist Siu-Yuet (小乙) and ONE ECO CAN to launch this charitable collection of “Siu-Yuet Eco Can Plus”, which 50% proceeds will be donated to Animal Friends, as one of non-profit organization of saving stray animals in Hong Kong. TO RESPECT AND SAVE A LIFE – let’s all contribute now.
被遺棄的、流浪的貓狗十分瘦弱,可能因為缺乏足夠的食物和照顧、受疾病和惡劣天氣的威脅,甚至慘遭暴力分子虐待而無辜喪失生命。但我們──這群愛護動物的人可以為牠們做點事。CC+有幸與插畫家小乙以及ONE ECO CAN合作策劃是次愛心慈善義賣,收益的50%捐贈至香港非牟利機構「動物朋友動物Friends」,讓流浪街頭的小動物得到救助。動物的生命雖然渺小,但同樣珍貴。願所有人都能尊重生命、愛惜生命。