SKYSHOP is the inflight duty free magazine of Hong Kong Airlines which published quarterly by CC+. We are responsible for the magazine’s design, editorial, production and printing.
In 2015, we revamp SKYSHOP to make consistent with its brand identity, which is young, modern, friendly and energetic.
As the magazine cover is reserved for advertisement, we use photo frame as our design principle, creates a more focused environment to advertisement. Other elements of cover like masthead and issue no. are kept outside of the frame minimize disturbance to the ad and grab readers’ attention more efficiently. On the other hand, the photo frame design also enhances the sense of art for the whole magazine.
For the use of colour, gold and brown colour on the cover represents mature and elegant, pastel colour in the content is friendly and fun, the mix and match of these two colour tones added taste of fashion to the magazine.
2015 Creativity International Awards
45th Print & Packaging Awards (Bronze Award)
– Book Design, Complete, Series
《SKYSHOP》為香港航空的機上免稅品購物指南,由CC+負責編輯、美術設計及製作。雜誌的風格配合香港航空的 年輕、摩登、友善、有活力 。2015年,我們為SKYSHOP進行了改版,以「畫框」為設計主題,主要考慮到封面必須為廣告的限制,利用框架除了可集中讀者視線,將封面元素排除在框架外可減少對廣告的遮擋 。另一方面,「畫框」設計可提高雜誌的藝術感。用色方面,封面採用的金色、棕色色調成熟而高貴 、內頁的粉色系色調則柔和活潑,兩者互相配合、調和,呈現出高貴又時尚的感覺。
2015年第45屆 Creativity International Awards