《DISCOVERY HONG KONG 香港旅遊指南》由CC+及合作伙伴Publicitas Publishing Pte Ltd共同製作,並由香港旅遊發展局出版。整個設計概念圍繞著水彩元素,其中包括水彩插畫、水彩背景,以及由天才小畫家劉見之繪畫的水彩封面。旅遊指南的設計帶有動感和豐富色彩,並象徵著自由。CC+亦按客戶要求,把封面內摺頁製作成可撕拆的「港鐵路線圖」,方便旅客隨身攜帶使用。該旅遊指南在香港免費派發。
DISCOVERY HONG KONG – A Traveller’s Guide, was produced jointly by CC+ and Publicitas Publishing Pte Ltd, and was published by the Hong Kong Tourism Board in 2015. Watercolour, the main element of our design concept, is used as a medium for the illustration, background, as well as for the cover painted by a talented young artist Kenny, Lau Kin Gi, to create a dynamic, colourful and free-spirited style. CC+ was also requested to make the folds of the inside front cover a travel-friendly Hong Kong’s MTR system map. The guide book was distributed free of charge in Hong Kong.